Applications are invited for a 2+1-year postdoctoral position starting in fall 2023, in the field of Early-Universe Cosmology, Heavy-Ion Collisions and Thermal Field Theory. The research activity will be carried out at the Subatech laboratory (Nantes, France), in collaboration with Jacopo Ghiglieri. It will be funded by the ANR project “Automated Thermal Field Theory for Cosmology” (AUTOTHERM), with a non-exclusive focus on the automation of calculations of thermal production, equilibration and interaction rates in the Early Universe and in Heavy-Ion Collisions.

Candidates with experience in any of these areas and related ones are particularly encouraged to apply:

  • Thermal Field Theory and/or kinetic theory and its applications to hot QCD and the Early Universe
  • Early-Universe Cosmology
  • Automation of Quantum Field Theory calculations

Due to rules concerning funding provided by the French National Agency for Research (ANR), applicants should have at most four to five years of postdoctoral experience at the time that they start here (fall 2023).

Applicants should submit a CV highlighting personal research achievements, a list of publications, and a statement of research interests and expertise. In addition, the applicant should arrange for three letters of recommendation. Inquiries and applications should be sent to Jacopo Ghiglieri, see the about me page or the Inspire ad for contacts.